5 Tips for Choosing the Right Centrifuge for your Lab
Part of the article:herexiRelease time:2019/11/4visitor sessions:3773
So Many Centrifuges to Choose From
While lab centrifuges have long been a lab standard, we frequently find that people still have a lot of questions about which centrifuge model will be the right fit for their needs. This is hardly surprising given the sheer number of lab centrifuge options available in the market today.
To help make the process a little bit easier, we’ve broken down five of the easiest-to-use tips for selecting a centrifuge that will make your life in the lab simpler while also reducing run times and speeding up your lab workflow.
Tips for Selecting a Centrifuge
RPMs are important, but G-Force is even better. Traditionally, RPMs have been used as the main selection criteria when it comes time to choose a centrifuge. And while this information is helpful, it doesn’t always tell the whole story. To ensure the right centrifuge selection, take into account the G-Force your samples will require. This data, which provides a more precise account of your needs, will help you choose a centrifuge that’s the best fit for your lab.
Flexibility is key. Very rarely have we seen a lab where one size fits all, meaning your labmates will also need to use your centrifuge, or that your workflow today won’t be the same as your workflow in the future. Take time to identify centrifuge options with the added flexibility of a wide range of rotors that are also very easy to switch out, and enjoy the freedom of variety when it comes to what that centrifuge can accept when it comes to tube sizes.
Factor in available space in your lab. All the bells and whistles won’t help you if you don’t have the floor space to handle a floor model centrifuge. The good news is there are plenty of benchtop options available today that can provide you with a lot of speed and power, without taking up too much space in the lab.
Make life easy on yourself and your labmates. Bottom line, life is too short for a centrifuge that makes you spend a lot of time thinking about it. Take it easy on your lab staff with a centrifuge that offers intuitive control and an easy-to-navigate control panel.
Take advantage of industry tools. Armed and ready with all of the information you’ll need to make your selection?
Now get out there and find your centrifuge!
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